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Mariana and Alejandro helped me to understand what are the most relevant topics for choosing my career. After their couching, some years ago, I have taken the right decision for my professional path based on my talents, passion, limits and mission. Thanks very much to both of them.

Maria Elisa Villamizar

Caracas, Venezuela.

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Hola Mariana, 


Finalmente me puede sentar a escribirte, de corazon mil gracias por todo el apoyo que nos has dado con Juan Diego y por ayudarlo a definir que es lo que en realidad quiere hacer con sus estudios y a nosotros tambien por darnos herramientas para poder  apoyarlo en sus decisiones.

Para nosotros fue un enorme placer poner en tu manos a nuestro querido hijo y creeme que donde pueda recomendar tu trabajo tan profesional que haces lo hare.

Muy contenta de conocerte y de haber conversado contigo, espero que podamos seguir en contacto.


Saludos Cordiales, 


Gloria Rademaker Hinestroza

Gloria Rademaker Hinestroza

Katy, Texas

Thanks to Mariana and Alejandro for the help in choosing my studies. After receiving their orientation, I feel more confident about I want to do.


Katy, Texas

It was great. Very useful for my son's career selection. Thanks to Mariana and Alejandro.


The Woodland, Tx

Mariana and Alejandro helped me to understand what are the most relevant topics for choosing my career. After their coaching, some years ago, I have taken the right decision for my professional path based on my talents, passion, limits and mission. Thanks very much to both of them.

Maria Elisa Villamizar

Caracas, Venezuela.

Thanks to Mariana and Alejandro. We appreciate the guidance that they have provided to help us making the right decision in relation to our daughter's future education.They took the time needed to fully explain our options and to guide us in the appropriate direction.

Zulma Colmenares

Katy, TX

Our son was determined to major in Mechanical Engineering after taking the course of Principles of Engineering and Technology in 8th grade. When he took the vocational test with Mariana we realized she sat with him to discuss and most importantly to DISCOVER the opportunities in his field of interest. She introduced him to the possibility of Aerospace Engineering when he mentioned he was interested in designing cars and airplanes. Since then, he has visited universities with a goal in mind and has researched summer camps that will expose him to the experience of becoming an aerospace engineer during his high school years. It's amazing how Mariana used 2 hours with our son to fuel the excitement in his future career.

Montse Torres

Houston, Tx

My experience with Mariana and Alejandro was wonderful. I took a test to see what career was going to be the best for me, even though I was a little scared because I liked so many careers at the time. They were very nice and patient with me and brought me "back to earth", I felt so comfortable that I even got closer with them. Now I can finally  say "wow I actually know what I'm going to do when I graduate from High School."

Tanina Ferreri

Katy, Texas

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